Monday, April 16, 2007

Random thoughts...

I thought I posted this, but I guess I forgot to...

A couple of days ago, my sister attended a funeral for a co-workers daughter. Apparently the girl had committed suicide; she was only 11 years old. Hearing this, makes me feel so upset. What can possibly be going on to make this child (yes, shes a child) take her own life? I mean 11 years old, that's like fifth grade, she didn't even know what is was like to live! it really saddens me!
I have a niece that's 10 years old. Shes my baby, she was the first of my nieces and nephews, the first baby I was around and helped raise. I don't know what any of my family would do if something happened to her. I love her like my own, she I said, my baby. Its hard to image what could going through this young girls head, that would make her think, that leaving this world is the only way out. It saddens me to think, that there are probably other young kids thinking the same thing. What is happening to our society, that our CHILDREN are choosing to leave us. I look at my daughter, and think, what is the world going to be like when she is 11 years old? Its crazy.
Now, I have to admit, I have had my own personal issues. I have had several occasions, where I too, have fallen short. (You could say) And have thought things too. Not until I was older, high school maybe. But at 11, I was just a kid, enjoying playing with my sister and my cat and going to school, playing in the school band. Its just SO sad that now, young kids are in trouble.
But sadly, this is not the first occurrence of someone this young taking their own life around here. I remember a couple of years back, another child did the same thing. And I think another one a couple of weeks after that. What is happening here??? What is going on??? And is there any way to stop this from happening again?? So many questions come into my mind... what could I do as a parent, to help these kids, or my own kid from walking down the same path?
Its really scary, to think about stuffs like that... hmmm. But really what could be done? Anything??

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