Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This time last year…

Usually a person reflects on a year in their life around New Years… but today is a significant day for me.

Around this time last year, my daughter was also hospitalized for a skin infection known as cellulitis. She was only two at the time; she spent a week in the hospital, hooked up to intravenous medicines, which were given to her in two-four hour increments. Her leg was swollen with blisters and she would cry every time the doctors came in to check it. We still don’t know what caused the infection, where she got it from and the probability of her ever getting it again. But it was an experience; it was one of the most difficult parental times. She would cry every night, screaming she wanted to go home. She would want to play and be her silly self, but her movements were limited because of the IV she had in her arm. I never left her side; it broke my heart to have my little one be in SO much pain. It was a difficult time for all of us.
She made a full recovery and still has a bit of a scar today. Every time she get a bug bite, I rush her to the hospital, I think the doctors think I’m overprotective, but I don’t ever want to put my baby through an ordeal like again.

Well today is my official first year anniversary as a Health Information Management Specialist. This time last year, I began my first management position within the Health Care industry of my community’s government system. I made it, when I first took this position I was really nervous as to if I wanted to keep on ahead within the position. I know I wrote several posts regarding my hesitance in taking this job and some of the times I thought about giving up. But I made it thru the first year. WOW, I have learned so much about my people, the diseases we face together and the politics that divide us. I learned about possible futures of my people and ways and obstacles that we must overcome to survive. I learned how to take better care of myself and my family. I learned that the 21st century if full of opportunities for my tribe, if we in fact begin to listen and learn. We may learn to overcome the disease that plagues SO many of us. Even if I play only a small part in the big scheme of things, I’m VERY happy to be apart of it.

Lots of other things have changed over this year… some things for the better, some things not to sure if they are actually better… I’ve made a new life for myself and Kaydee. I’ve made new friends, lost some old ones. But in all, I think change is good. I’m thankful for the life experiences I’ve had, both good and bad. And I look forward to all the new ones that await me…

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