Tuesday, my 'Kaydence Leigh turned three'. (That's the theme for her party on Sunday). Anyway, well like I mentioned she was bit under the weather on Tuesday. Thankfully, the Drs couldn't find anything wrong with her. She is fine now, i guess it was just one of those twenty four hour things. Me and her father took her to the movies that day. She's been wanting to see the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" movie. She loved it! She couldn't take her eyes off the screen. Which was a good thing, i rarely take her to the movies, its hard with a toddler. But she was really interested in the movie. We also did a little shopping, and had lunch with dad. So in all, I think she had a great birthday. This weekend is her party with her whole family. it should be exciting. I have a few more end to tie up, getting candy bags together, a few more decorations, but in all I think we are ready.
On Wednesday, I attended the Phoenix Suns game with my family. I actually had a great time. I'm not really sports too much, I mean its okay, just not my thing. The reason I decided to go, is my niece and nephew are in a dance team with their school and they performed during the pre-game show. They did a great job! I always enjoy watching them perform. Actually the first time I saw them dance, (my nephew did a solo) I cried. Its hard to imagine them growing up so fast. It was heart tugging. Anyway, I really enjoyed the game, got hang out with my older brother, which was awesome, since it has been a while since I actually hung out with him. It always nice to talk and laugh with him. Hes a real character; he makes the party a 'party'.
My brother is 11 years older than me, growing up, he was always a little mean to me. As most brothers are to their little sisters. But we would always have fun! He would make up games and stuff for me and my sister to do. I remember one summer, me, my sister, my two brothers and some of their friends, all had a water balloon fight. Growing up in Arizona, you did all you could to stay cool during the summer months! Occasionally he would take us to Sunsplash and stuff like that. He is a good big brother; I love him a lot!
(A pic of him and my nephew Alan.
More pics of my family outing. Vannah, waiting to get in... Court Shot. My other niece enjoying some pizza.
My favorite family, enjoying the game. And my nephew promoting Peter Piper.
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